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  • 산사태 토석류 흐름 모형개발


  • Kim, Y., Lee, G., An, H., Yang, J., Y., Uncertainty assessment of soil erosion model using particle filtering, Journal of Mountain Science, Vol. 12(4), pp. 828-840, 2015.
  • Kang, T., An, H., Kim, Y., Jung, G., Levee Stability Assessment depending on Level of Inland and Riverside land in Flow State, Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, Vol. 48(4), pp. 269-279, 2015 (In Korean).
  • An, H., Yu, S., Lee, G. Kim, Y., Analysis of an open source quadtree grid shallow water flow solver for flood simulation. Quaternary International, in Press.
  • Noh, S., An, H., Kim, S.( Kim H., Simulation of soil moisture on a hillslope using multiple hydrologic models in comparison to field measurements, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 523, pp. 342-355. 2015.
  • Yu, S.,Kim, S., Oh, C., An. H., Kim,Quantitative assessment of disaster resilience: An empirical study on the importance of post-disaster recovery costs, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 137, pp. 6-17, 2015.
  • An, H., Yu, S., Finite volume integrated surface-subsurface flow modeling on non-orthogonal grids. Water Resources Research, Vol. 50. pp. 2312- 2328, doi:10.1002/2013WR013828, 2014.
  • An, H., Noh. S., High-order averaging method of hydraulic conductivity for accurate soil moisture modeling, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 516, pp. 119-130, 2014.
  • An, M., YU, s., An accurate muin-aimensionai limner on quaairee grias Tor snanow water now simuianon, journal or Myarauuc Kesearcn, voi. pp. 565-574, D01:10.1080/00221686.2013.878404, 2014.
  • Lee, S., An, H.,Yu, S., Oh, J., Creating an advanced backpropagation neural network toolbox within GIS software, Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 72(8),pp. 3111-3128, DOI:10.1007/sl2665-014-3216-7, 2014.
  • Kang, T., An, H., Lee, G., Jung, G.,Levee Stability Assessment depending on Levee Shape and Flood Wave, Journal of Korea Water Resources Association Vol. 47(4), pp. 307-319, 2014 (In Korean).
  • Yu, S.,An, H., Kim, S., Lee, K., Kim J., Impact Analysis of Disaster Recovery using Resilience Cost Index, Environmental Policy. Vol. 22(1), pp. 31-54, DOI http://dx.doi.Org/10.15301/jepa.2014.22.l.31, 2014 (In Korean).
  • Lee, D., An, H., Lee, G., Jung, G., Applicability Evaluation of Flood Inundation Analysis using Quadtree, Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, Vol. 46(6),pp. 655-666, 2013 (In Korean).
  • An, H., Ichikawa, Y., Tachikawa, Y. and Shiiba, M., Comparison between iteration schemes for three-dimensional coordinate-transformed saturated— unsaturated flow model, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 470-471, pp. 212-226, 2012.
  • Lee, G., Oh. S., An. H., Jung, G., A Comparative Analysis on Slope Stability Using Specific Catchment Area Calculation, Journal of Korea Water Resources Association. Vol. 45(7), pp. 643-656, 2012 (In Korean).
  • An, H., Yu, S., Numerical Simulation of Shallow Water Flow Using Multi-dimensional Limiting Process (MLR), Journal of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers. Vol. 32(2B). pp. 123-130, 2012 (In Korean).
  • An, H., Yu, S., Well-balanced shallow water flow simulation on quadtree cut cell grids. Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 39, pp. 60-70, 2012.
  • An, H., Yu, S., Numerical Simulation of Urban Flash Flood Experiments Using Adaptive Mesh Refinement and Cut Cell Method, Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, Vol. 44(7), pp. 511-522, 2011 (In Korean).
  • An, H., Ichikawa, Y., Tachikawa, Y. and Shiiba, M„ A new Iterative Alternating Direction Implicit (IADI) algorithm for multi-dimensional saturated- unsaturated flow, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 408, pp. 127-139, 2011.
  • An, H., Ichikawa, Y., Tachikawa, Y. and Shiiba, M.. Three-dimensional finite-difference saturated—unsaturated flow modeling with non-orthogonal grids, using a coordinate transformation method, Water Resources Research, Vol. 46, W11521, 2010.
  • An, H.z Ichikawa, Y., Tachikawa, Y. and Shiiba, M., Validity assessment of integrated kinematic wave equations for hillslope rainfall-runoff modeling, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE, 54, pp. 505-510, 2010.
  • An, H.z Ichikawa, Y., Tachikawa, Y. and Shiiba, M., Development of a real-time water level forecasting system using a physically-based distributed hydrologic model, Advances in River Engineering, JSCE, Vol. 15, pp. 389-392, 2009 (In Japanese).
  • An, H.z Ichikawa, Y., Tachikawa, Y. and Shiiba, M., Developing a three-dimensional coupled model of pipe-matrix subsurface flow, Hydrological Research Letter, Vol. 2, pp. 52-55, 2008.
  • An, H.z Ichikawa, Y., Tachikawa, Y. and Shiiba, M.. Development of coupled model of pipe-matrix subsurface flow, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE, Vo. 51, pp. 445-450, 2007 (In Japanese).